How to clean bongs?

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Bongs are generally made of plastic, glass or metal. These materials don’t react with the water contained in them. As with any other utensil, bongs too need to be cleaned on a regular basis for hygiene purposes. This article provides some simple steps that can help you with this process.


Fill the bong halfway with warm water and add soap (shampoo or dish-washing liquid will do). Alternatively, alcohol may also be used in place of soap. Swirl the mixture around in the cheap bongs until clean water begins to appear in the upper portion of the pipe. Pour it out, discarding all old solution is not recommended as it accumulated dirt and debris which may be harmful to the person using it. Repeat the process with fresh water until all the dirty water comes out clear. Dry off your bong completely before use after cleaning, especially if you live in a humid climate or are planning to store it away for some time.

If you want to know how to clean a glass bong , follow these steps:

  1. Use any citrus-based solvent on your bong’s downstem and bowl until they are fully saturated with citrus oil. After this, flick rubbing alcohol onto these areas of the glass work until they are sufficiently soaked with alcohol too.  Expose them to flame by holding them close enough to a burning candle or lighter for long enough that the heat  fuses the citrus oil with the alcohol onto the glass. Place them in cold water to shatter them completely.
  2. Use a dabber or the back of your bong’s bowl to scrape off any buildup in concave areas of glass, such as the insides of percolators and ash catchers. Scour these areas thoroughly with non-toxic solvent until no cloudiness remains on any sharp angles or edges that could injure you by cutting yourself when using them again. Be sure to clean out all holes and crevices before placing new solvent inside it.
  3. Fill your bong halfway with warm soapy water and swirl it around until all hard surfaces are covered with soap foam residue . Pour out old solution and rinse the glass with clean water before disposal to ensure that no soap remains.
  4. Use a dabber or the back of your bong’s bowl to scrape any stuck resin from your bong’s abovementioned hard surfaces as well as its inside chamber where you place your smoke . Scour these areas thoroughly with non-toxic solvent until no cloudiness remains on sharp angles or edges that could injure you by cutting yourself when using them again. Be sure to clean out all holes and crevices before placing new solvent inside it.
  5. Fill your bong halfway with ethanol (isopropyl alcohol). Swirl it around until its entire portion is fully soaked in the solution, then allow it to sit for at least an hour. Fill your bong halfway with warm water, swirl it around until all ethanol is displaced, then place it in the freezer to remain overnight.
  6. Pour out old solution and rinse the glass with clean water before disposal to ensure that no alcohol remains when you are done..
  7. If there are still patches left behind or if you wish for a deeper cleanse, fill your bong halfway with warm soapy water, add 1 tsp of baking soda , swirl it around until all hard surfaces are covered with soap foam residue . Fill your bong halfway with clean water, swirl it again until both the baking soda and soap residue fully mix in with each other. The result should be a slightly less opaque mixture in which you can see through the center of your bong’s chamber . Pour out this mixture and rinse with clean water before disposal to ensure all soap is cleared away.
  8. Fill your bong halfway with warm soapy water, add 2 tsp of vinegar , swirl it around until all hard surfaces are covered in white foam residue . Fill your bong halfway with clean water, swirl it again until both the baking soda and soap residue fully mix in with each other. The result should be a slightly less opaque mixture in which you can see through the center of your bong’s chamber. Pour out this mixture and rinse with clean water before disposal to ensure all vinegar is cleared away.