How much water should you take in a day?
We all know that water is essential for our health as our bodies are made up of 60{f40f2a8169045e3ac6f44e31cb573b271764227fff173d5860f2fc09c3872fc6} water. But what is the right amount of water that you need to take in a day? This is the question on everyone’s lips. Unfortunately, no one has the exact answer as experts have different opinions. Some recommend eight glasses of water a day that translates to about 2 liters, while others say that you take water based on your individual water needs. Some experts recommend that you keep sipping water throughout the day regardless of whether you are thirsty or not.
Various factors may influence your water intake. They include:
The temperature – You need a lot of water when the temperatures are high as opposed to cool temperatures due to perspiration.
Your environment – If you are an outdoor person, there are high chances that you feel thirsty faster because of the scorching sun compared to someone staying indoors.
Diet – Coffee lovers tend to lose a lot of water as they urinate more often; thus, they need to take more water. Besides, people who love spicy, sugary, and salty foods need to take a lot of water.
Activities – People who are fully engaged during the day need to take a lot of water compared to those who will sit in the office from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Besides, people who exercise as part of their daily routine should take more water than those who don’t exercise.
Health – Sick people lose a lot of fluids when they vomit or diarrhea. They need to take a lot of water to replace the lost fluids. Besides, those who have health conditions such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes need to drink more water.
Are you wondering about the best place to get your water from? Worry no more as drinkcirkul is offering water that keeps you hydrated and caters to your metabolic needs. However, you must read through their honest reviews to know their previous customers’ complaints, experiences, and feedback. By doing this, you will be better positioned to make an informed decision.
What happens when you drink too much water than the required amount?
Though it might be difficult for you to take excess water, it happens at times. Your brain cells will begin to swell, and the pressure inside your skull will increase. Some of the first symptoms associated with this include severe headache, vomiting, and nausea. Doctors refer to this situation as water intoxication. With the condition, you can experience intense symptoms such as high blood pressure, drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness, difficulty in breathing, double vision, and it may result in death in extreme cases.
What are some of the side-effects of not taking enough water?
Taking the right amount of water is critical to avoid dehydration. Some of the side effects of dehydration include:
Persistent headache – When you are dehydrated, you will experience a throbbing headache. However, when you take a lot of water, it will go away.
Sluggish bowel function – The large intestines have water receptors that are essential for making your stool softer. If you don’t drink enough water, you will experience hard stools and constipation.
Fatigue – Failure to take enough water will reduce your energy levels; thus, you will feel tired and worn out more often than not. Your brain will also be functioning at a slower rate.
Benefits of taking enough water.
Weight loss – Water plays a crucial role in losing weight. When you drink water before your meals, your stomach will be half-way full, thus preventing you from over-eating. Nowadays, various healthy diet companies offer supplements, dietary pills, and sport exercises that may help you lose weight. However, you have to go through the reviews to know the previous customers’ complaints, experiences, and opinions. They will help you decide on the best company and the best method to use.
Regulate your body temperature – your body needs enough water to maintain your temperature. When carrying out your day-to-day activities, you lose a lot of water through sweating. You need to replace the water lost through sweating; otherwise, you will experience high temperatures that may lead to fever.