The Effects of Surgical Orthodontic Treatment on Facial Aesthetics

Our trusted dentist in Memorial City, West Houston, and their team understand the profound impact that surgical orthodontic treatment can have on not only the health and function of the teeth and jaws but also on facial aesthetics. A harmonious and balanced facial appearance is essential to our overall sense of self-confidence and well-being. Surgical orthodontic treatment, which combines orthodontic treatment with surgical procedures, can correct severe dental and skeletal irregularities that affect the appearance of the face. 

In this article, we will explore the effects of surgical orthodontic treatment on facial aesthetics, including the changes that can occur in facial proportions, profile, and overall appearance, and how orthodontists can help patients achieve a more beautiful and confident smile.

Understanding Surgical Orthodontics

Surgical orthodontics, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a specialized form of orthodontic treatment that combines traditional orthodontic techniques with surgical procedures to correct severe dental and skeletal irregularities. This comprehensive approach is designed to improve the alignment, function, and overall appearance of the teeth and jaws, addressing issues such as malocclusion, facial asymmetry, and jaw dysfunction. 

Facial Aesthetics and Orthodontic Treatment

Facial aesthetics play a critical role in our overall appearance and self-confidence. A harmonious and balanced facial appearance can greatly enhance our quality of life, while facial irregularities can harm our self-esteem and social interactions. Orthodontic treatment, including surgical orthodontic treatment, can significantly improve facial aesthetics by correcting dental and skeletal irregularities that affect the appearance of the face.

Effects of Surgical Orthodontic Treatment on Facial Proportions

Surgical orthodontic treatment can have a profound impact on facial proportions, particularly in patients with severe skeletal irregularities. By correcting the position and alignment of the teeth and jaws, surgical orthodontic treatment can improve the overall balance and harmony of the face. Some of the changes that can occur in facial proportions include:

  • Improved facial symmetry: Surgical orthodontic treatment can improve facial symmetry by correcting unevenness in the alignment of the teeth and jaws.
  • Enhanced facial balance: By correcting skeletal irregularities, surgical orthodontic treatment can enhance facial balance and harmony.
  • Increased facial height: In some cases, surgical orthodontic treatment can increase facial height by correcting vertical skeletal irregularities.

Effects of Surgical Orthodontic Treatment on Facial Profile

Surgical orthodontic treatment can also have a significant impact on facial profile, particularly in patients with severe skeletal irregularities. By correcting the position and alignment of the teeth and jaws, surgical orthodontic treatment can improve the overall shape and appearance of the facial profile. Some of the changes that can occur in the facial profile include:

  • Improved nasal labial angle: Surgical orthodontic treatment can improve the nasolabial angle, which is the angle between the nose and upper lip.
  • Enhanced lip shape and position: By correcting skeletal irregularities, surgical orthodontic treatment can enhance lip shape and position.
  • Increased definition of the jawline: Surgical orthodontic treatment can increase the definition of the jawline, particularly in patients with a weak or recessive jaw.

Other Effects of Surgical Orthodontic Treatment on Facial Aesthetics

In addition to improving facial proportions and profile, surgical orthodontic treatment can have other effects on facial aesthetics, including:

  • Improved smile aesthetics: Surgical orthodontic treatment can improve smile aesthetics by correcting irregularities in tooth alignment and positioning.
  • Enhanced facial expression: By correcting skeletal irregularities, surgical orthodontic treatment can enhance facial expression and overall facial appearance.
  • Increased self-confidence: Surgical orthodontic treatment can increase self-confidence and self-esteem, particularly in patients who have been self-conscious about their appearance.

By correcting dental and skeletal irregularities, surgical orthodontic treatment can enhance facial balance and harmony, improve smile aesthetics, and increase self-confidence. If you are considering surgical orthodontic treatment to improve your facial aesthetics, consult with an orthodontic specialist to discuss your treatment options and goals.