How to Prevent Existing Varicose Veins from Worsening

Your veins have one-way valves that allow blood to flow to the heart. However, weak or damaged valves allow blood to flow back, causing veins to enlarge and stretch. As a result, ropelike veins in dark tones like red, blue, or purple appear close to the surface of your legs. Besides their unsightly appearance, varicose veins can cause bothersome symptoms such as cramping, swelling, and skin discoloration. Fortunately, vein removal Slidell services, including sclerotherapy and laser vein removal, can minimize vascular lesions in your body.

What causes varicose veins?

Varicose veins are often a result of weak and damaged valves. Several risk factors for varicose veins include family history, age, being a woman, obesity, pregnancy, hormonal replacement, or contraception therapy. Some risks like gender, family history, or age are harder to avoid, but aspects like weight and lifestyle are within your control.

Unfortunately, you can’t prevent varicose veins from forming. However, the following tips can help alleviate varicose veins symptoms and prevent new ones from forming.

Make exercise part of your routine.

Your leg muscles help your veins push blood to the heart, so it is best to ensure they are strong. Like other muscles, your leg muscles are meant to move. Therefore, leg exercises can strengthen your muscles, helping them work against gravity. Walking is the best beneficial exercise to prevent varicose veins from worsening. Cycling and swimming are also good exercises for your legs.

You can also practice yoga poses that bring your feet higher than your heart. These are inversions, including shoulder stand, headstand, and legs-up-the-wall pose. Additionally, yoga stretches and tones the deepest muscles in your calves and hamstrings. These deep muscles can help vein valves function properly.

Wear compression hosiery

Compression socks and stockings squeeze your legs and help veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. As such, they help minimize symptoms such as swelling and pain. Healthcare providers recommend wearing compression stockings all day to get the best outcome. You might also experience fewer night crams after wearing compression stockings during the day.

The amount of compression varies depending on the type and brand of compression stockings. It is best to consult your physician when choosing one of the four compression stockings; mild, moderate, firm, or extra firm. Wearing compression stockings is often the first approach to try if you have varicose veins.

Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods.

Standing or sitting for a long time interferes with blood circulation in your legs because it makes it harder for blood to travel against gravity. As such, pressure in your veins rises and can eventually cause the pooling of blood around your ankles, resulting in swollen and achy feet and calves. However, taking small breaks and moving around decreases venous pressure and improves blood circulation. If you are stuck at a desk, you can peddle your feet, stretch your ankles, or bend your knees in a marching-like manner.

You can also break the gravity circle by elevating your legs at least three times daily for 15 minutes.

If your varicose veins symptoms do not improve with the above home remedies, visit your doctor at Northshore Dermatology for vein removal services to enjoy a pain-free life.