How to Choose the Best Herbal Supplements

Herbal remedies or herbal supplements are no longer common. These medicines are easily found everywhere, can be made by yourself, and may have been consumed for generations for hundreds of years ago. If you want to take herbal supplements, be careful before buying.

Herbal supplements of various types, ranging from herbs that must be squeezed, brewed, or boiled and had with water, plant extracts, pills, capsules, tablets, powder, to herbal supplements in liquid form. Various choices of medicines or herbal supplements are believed to be able to maintain or improve health and even treat many diseases. Now, many people are combining these herbal supplements with modern medical treatments to cure their illnesses. The reason is that herbal medicines or supplements are made from natural ingredients.

However even it’s natural, medicine or herbal supplements may not be suitable for everyone and potentially cause other problems, for example:

· All herbal herbs have side effects. Anything strong enough to produce positive effects, such as lowering cholesterol or high blood pressure, is also strong enough to carry unwanted risks.

Herbal medicines and supplements have an interaction effect with certain medications that potentially reduce the effects of the drug’s work, strengthen the risk of side effects, to interfere with the metabolism of drugs in the body.

· Not all herbal medicines are registered and certified.

Proof the effectiveness of medicinal herbs medically (scientific research / clinical trials) is generally very limited. Then choose a trusted compound mixing pharmacy such as Chittaway Pharmacy who is experienced in their field. Visit their website at

Herbal supplements are generally categorized as a traditional dietary supplement type. Therefore, the research of effectiveness, dosage, and side effects also go through different regulations from studies on pharmacy in general. Therefore, before buying medicines or herbal supplements it is recommended to do the following things:

· Consult with your doctor before purchase or take herbal medicines.

· Research the companies that make herbal products

· Check whether the product makes strange or difficult claims to prove.

· Learn as much as possible about the herbs ingredients consumed by consulting a doctor and contacting herbal supplement manufacturers for information.

· If you use herbal supplements, follow the label instructions carefully and use the recommended dosage.

The decision to choose herbal products needs to be adjusted according to several factors such as clinically proven effects are efficacious and supported by evidence from research standards, side effects, and risks of using herbal products, and price compatibility. So, before you take any medicine or herbal supplement, it is advisable to consult with your doctor or pharmacist first.