Five Warning Signs You Should Consider Visiting A Dental Specialist
Like any other priority, your oral health should top the list. Usually, we all agree that you cannot function effectively when you’re suffering from dental issues. Furthermore, the earlier your oral health problems are detected, the easier and more cost-effective it will be to treat them. If you identify unusual changes in your mouth, it’s best that you engage your dental specialist sooner. Fortunately, Dr. Anna Munné Houston services provide long-term results and ensure you enjoy better oral health in the long run.
But when is the appropriate time to see a dental specialist? If this concerns you, here are five warning signs that indicate you should instantly seek dental treatments.
1. Bleeding, inflamed and sore gums
Generally, your gums are pink connective tissues that hold your teeth together. However, they are at risk for multiple health issues that cause painful and uncomfortable symptoms. If you have receding gums, chances are high that you have gingivitis – a severe condition that can lead to tooth loss. Symptoms like red, swollen, and tender gums accompany gum diseases. Again, if your gums are sore and inflamed, it’s a sign of periodontal disease that your dentist should immediately address.
2. Severe, persistent tooth pain
A toothache can be so painful that you can’t think about anything else. Although tooth pain can vary due to the underlying condition, you should seek dental care even if your pain is mild. Typically, severe and persistent tooth pain can indicate a cavity, abscess, or an impacted tooth. Therefore, you should consider visiting your dentist for an evaluation to help determine the ideal cause of your discomfort or pain. In severe cases, your dental specialist can recommend procedures like dental implants or root canals.
3. Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold
While most people tend to ignore tooth sensitivity to hot or cold beverages and foods, it usually indicates a severe dental issue. Usually, sudden or unusual teeth sensitivity can indicate gum disease, tooth decay, damaged enamel, or excessive plaque. However, your dentist can examine the affected teeth and prescribe appropriate remedies and treatments to relieve your symptoms.
4. Chronic bad breath
You might not focus on the bad breath as a warning sign of a disease, especially if it comes and go. However, chronic bad breath indicates severe oral diseases like periodontal infection and tooth decay. In most cases, poor hygiene is the ideal cause of plaque or tartar buildup, which can also cause chronic bad breath. If you notice unusual changes in your oral breath, consider visiting your dentist sooner.
5. Loose teeth in adults
Adults’ teeth should be sturdy enough to help them navigate life. However, if your teeth feel loose or seem to fall out, it might indicate gingivitis or other periodontal diseases. These issues can deepen pockets around your teeth, making them loose and preventing teeth from shifting. You should consult a dental specialist if you notice slight movements in your teeth.
Typically, the list of when and why you should visit your dentist is exhaustive. However, it would help if you made it part of your routine to visit your dental practice regularly for evaluation and treatment. Again, early detection of unusual changes in your mouth will help your dentist to create customized treatment options before your condition gets out of hand.