Everything You Should Know About Nutrient Therapy

Sometimes an illness is your body’s natural way of saying it lacks the necessary nutrients to function as expected.  The Docere Integrated Medicine team offers Auburn nutrient therapy to improve your immunity and minimize your risk of getting sick.  They may also recommend adding several nutrient-rich foods to your daily diet to improve your overall health.

An overview of nutrient therapy

Medical nutrition therapy (MNT), commonly known as nutrient therapy, is a procedure that utilizes nutrients to treat illnesses and boost your general well-being.  Many diseases often result from poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle, and most of their symptoms improve with mild adjustments in the lifestyle.  Nutrient therapy usually involves the administration of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients through an IV.  When you take supplements orally, your digestive system breaks the nutrients down, resulting in limited absorption into the bloodstream and potential digestive problems if you take the wrong mixture.  Nutrient therapy can address several medical conditions, including gastrointestinal disorders, kidney disease, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.  A highly nutritious diet, in combination with a few lifestyle changes, can significantly improve your overall health and quality of life.

What nutrient therapy involves

Although vegetables and fruits offer essential nutritional benefits such as vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, nutrient therapy of several nutrients currently targets your health needs.  Your provider may recommend easier foods to eat if you have difficulties with swallowing, taste, or texture.  The therapy focuses on making lifestyle and diet tweaks to elevate your health.  Stress and sleep management are lifestyle factors that your doctor will consider when personalizing your nutrient therapy plan.  Depending on your health, nutrient therapy may also involve increasing the amount to eat to achieve a healthy weight.  The Docere Integrated Medicine team performs a thorough physical exam before personalizing a treatment plan.  If you eat a healthy diet, are well nourished, and have no nutritional deficiencies, you may not need nutrition therapy even when admitted to the hospital.

How you can benefit from nutrient therapy

At Docere Integrated Medicine, the goal is to help you regain vitality and optimize your health.  The incredible results associated with nutrient therapy include the following:

  • Reduced stress

The food you eat can either trigger or minimize stress.  Eating inflammation-fighting foods can minimize your risk of inflammation hence reducing unnecessary stress.

  • Heightened immunity

Your immune system requires an adequate supply of nutrients to be strong and function as expected.  This therapy strengthens your immunity, minimizing your chances of falling sick.

  •  Improved digestion

When your gut is not receiving adequate food that it can easily digest, it can trigger severe health issues.  People struggling with IBS and other digestion issue may benefit from nutrient therapy.

  • Weight loss

Although it seems obvious, giving your body nutrient-packed foods is likely to cause weight loss.  This is because you are supplying your body with what it needs instead of unnecessary sugar and lots of calories that could potentially lead to life-threatening disorders like high blood pressure.

If you would like to learn more about nutrient therapy, call the Docere Integrated Medicine office or book an appointment online